رفتن به مطلب

بخشی از کد تبدیل تاریخ میلادی به شمسی


ارسال‌های توصیه شده

اولین پستی هست که خودم شروع می کنم و امیدوارم خوششون بیاد و بتونم از نظراتتون بهره ببرم. این پست حاصل تلاش یک روزه من برای نوشتن بخش اصلی کد تبدیل تاریخ و روز میلادی به تاریخ و روز شمسی هست. بخش اصلی این سورس کد، یک تابع هست که دو پارامتر DayOfYear (چندمین روز سال میلادی) و Year (سال میلادی) رو می گیره و دو پارامتر مذکور رو به صورت شمسی در اختیار شما قرار میده.

در واقع این سورس کد، مشکل سال های کبیسه شمسی و میلادی (که اتفاقا سال 1395 و 2016 هر دو کبیسه هستن) رو حل می کنه. دوستان هر نکته ای در مورد کد داشتن بفرمایند و اگه مشکلی می بینند اطلاع بدهند. قدم بعدی من ساخت یک Date Picker شمسی هست که کاربرد خوبی داره.


جواب هاش رو می تونید با http://keye.ir چک کنید.

#Region  Project Attributes 
	#ApplicationLabel: Miladi 2 Shamsi
	#VersionCode: 1
	'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or portrait.
	#SupportedOrientations: portrait
	#CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region

#Region  Activity Attributes 
	#FullScreen: True
	#IncludeTitle: True
#End Region

'<-------------------------- Not Important Part of Code ------------------------->
Sub Process_Globals
End Sub

Sub Globals
	Dim calc As Button
	Dim daysofyear, year As EditText
	Dim today As Label
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
	calc.Text = "Miladi to Shamsi"
	calc.Gravity = Gravity.center
	daysofyear.InputType = daysofyear.INPUT_TYPE_NUMBERS
	daysofyear.Color = Colors.White
	daysofyear.TextColor = Colors.blue
	daysofyear.Hint = "Days of Year Miladi"
	daysofyear.Gravity = Gravity.center
	year.InputType = year.INPUT_TYPE_NUMBERS
	year.Color = Colors.White
	year.TextColor = Colors.black
	year.Hint = "Year Miladi"
	year.Gravity = Gravity.center
	today.TextColor = Colors.Yellow
	'Important Maybe'
	today.text = "Example: Today is " & miladi2shamsi(DateTime.GetDayOfYear(DateTime.Now),DateTime.GetYear(DateTime.Now))
	'Important Maybe'
	today.Gravity = Gravity.center
End Sub

Sub calc_Click
	If daysofyear.Text.Length > 0 And year.Text.Length > 0 Then
		Dim d As Int = daysofyear.Text
		Dim y As Int = year.text
		calc.Text = miladi2shamsi(d,y)
		ToastMessageShow("Enter Numbers . . ." , False)
	End If
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
'<-------------------------- Not Important Part of Code ------------------------->

'<-------------------------- Important Part ------------------------->
Sub miladi2shamsi(DYearMiladi As Int, YearMiladi As Int) As String
	Dim dAllMiladi, dAllShamsi, YearShamsi, dYearShamsi, FourYearShamsi, dFourYearShamsi As Int = 0
	Dim answer As String
	dAllMiladi = DYearMiladi + (YearMiladi-1)*365.25
	dAllShamsi = dAllMiladi - 226899
	FourYearShamsi = dAllShamsi/1461
	dFourYearShamsi = dAllShamsi mod 1461
	If dFourYearShamsi < 366 Then
		dYearShamsi = dFourYearShamsi
		YearShamsi = FourYearShamsi*4 + 1
	Else if dFourYearShamsi > 365 And dFourYearShamsi < 731 Then
		dYearShamsi = dFourYearShamsi - 365
		YearShamsi = FourYearShamsi*4 + 2
	Else if dFourYearShamsi > 730 And dFourYearShamsi < 1097 Then
		dYearShamsi = dFourYearShamsi - 730
		YearShamsi = FourYearShamsi*4 + 3
	Else if dFourYearShamsi > 1096 Then
		dYearShamsi = dFourYearShamsi - 1096
		YearShamsi = FourYearShamsi*4 + 4
	End If
	answer = "Day " & dYearShamsi & " of Year " & (YearShamsi)
	Return answer
End Sub
'<-------------------------- Important Part ------------------------->


لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

داداش شما از کد های جاوا اماده برای تبدیل شمسی استفاده کن . شاید بیست برابر این کدی که نوشتید لازم باشه برای تقویم کامل.


بعد که کامل شد کتابخونه با جاوا برای بیسیک میتونید بسازید . که البته مثلش هست.


در مورد رپ کردن دیتاپیکر هم اول باید یه کتابخونه جاوای دیتاپیکر را تبدیل به شمسی کنی. بعد رپش کنی .

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

داداش شما از کد های جاوا اماده برای تبدیل شمسی استفاده کن . شاید بیست برابر این کدی که نوشتید لازم باشه برای تقویم کامل.


بعد که کامل شد کتابخونه با جاوا برای بیسیک میتونید بسازید . که البته مثلش هست.


در مورد رپ کردن دیتاپیکر هم اول باید یه کتابخونه جاوای دیتاپیکر را تبدیل به شمسی کنی. بعد رپش کنی .

هنوز کتابخونه ای نساختم و تجربشو ندارم و تلاش خودم همین ساخت چند تا ساب بود که به دیت پیکر و تقویم نزدیک بشه و چون با جاوا کمتر کار کردم ترجیح خودم ادامه کار روی همینه.

در مورد هر کدوم از اینا مطلب دیگه ای هست خوشحال میشم بهم معرفی کنی.

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

package MyUtil;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;

 * Title: Calender Conversion class
 * Description: Convert Iranian (Jalali), Julian, and Gregorian dates to
 * each other
 * Public Methods Summary:
 * -----------------------
 * JavaSource_Calendar();
 * JavaSource_Calendar(int year, int month, int day);
 * int getIranianYear();
 * int getIranianMonth();
 * int getIranianDay();
 * int getGregorianYear();
 * int getGregorianMonth();
 * int getGregorianDay();
 * int getJulianYear();
 * int getJulianMonth();
 * int getJulianDay();
 * String getIranianDate();
 * String getGregorianDate();
 * String getJulianDate();
 * String getWeekDayStr();
 * String toString();
 * int getDayOfWeek();
 * void nextDay();
 * void nextDay(int days);
 * void previousDay();
 * void previousDay(int days);
 * void setIranianDate(int year, int month, int day);
 * void setGregorianDate(int year, int month, int day);
 * void setJulianDate(int year, int month, int day);
public class CalendarTool {

     * JavaSource_Calendar:
     * The default constructor uses the current Gregorian date to initialize the
     * other private memebers of the class (Iranian and Julian dates).
    public CalendarTool()
        Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();

     * JavaSource_Calendar:
     * This constructor receives a Gregorian date and initializes the other private
     * members of the class accordingly.
     * @param year int
     * @param month int
     * @param day int
    public CalendarTool(int year, int month, int day)

     * getIranianYear:
     * Returns the 'year' part of the Iranian date.
     * @return int
    public int getIranianYear() {
        return irYear;

     * getIranianMonth:
     * Returns the 'month' part of the Iranian date.
     * @return int
    public int getIranianMonth() {
        return irMonth;

     * getIranianDay:
     * Returns the 'day' part of the Iranian date.
     * @return int
    public int getIranianDay() {
        return irDay;

     * getGregorianYear:
     * Returns the 'year' part of the Gregorian date.
     * @return int
    public int getGregorianYear() {
        return gYear;

     * getGregorianMonth:
     * Returns the 'month' part of the Gregorian date.
     * @return int
    public int getGregorianMonth() {
        return gMonth;

     * getGregorianDay:
     * Returns the 'day' part of the Gregorian date.
     * @return int
    public int getGregorianDay() {
        return gDay;

     * getJulianYear:
     * Returns the 'year' part of the Julian date.
     * @return int
    public int getJulianYear() {
        return juYear;

     * getJulianMonth:
     * Returns the 'month' part of the Julian date.
     * @return int
    public int getJulianMonth() {
        return juMonth;

     * getJulianDay()
     * Returns the 'day' part of the Julian date.
     * @return int
    public int getJulianDay() {
        return juDay;

     * getIranianDate:
     * Returns a string version of Iranian date
     * @return String
    public String getIranianDate()
        return (irYear+"/"+irMonth+"/"+irDay);

     * getGregorianDate:
     * Returns a string version of Gregorian date
     * @return String
    public String getGregorianDate()
        return (gYear+"/"+gMonth+"/"+gDay);

     * getJulianDate:
     * Returns a string version of Julian date
     * @return String
    public String getJulianDate()
        return (juYear+"/"+juMonth+"/"+juDay);

     * getWeekDayStr:
     * Returns the week day name.
     * @return String
    public String getWeekDayStr()
        String weekDayStr[]={
        return (weekDayStr[getDayOfWeek()]);

     * toString:
     * Overrides the default toString() method to return all dates.
     * @return String
    public String toString()
        return (getWeekDayStr()+
                ", Gregorian:["+getGregorianDate()+
                "], Julian:["+getJulianDate()+
                "], Iranian:["+getIranianDate()+"]");

     * getDayOfWeek:
     * Returns the week day number. Monday=0..Sunday=6;
     * @return int
    public int getDayOfWeek()
        return (JDN % 7);

     * nextDay:
     * Go to next julian day number (JDN) and adjusts the other dates.
    public void nextDay()
     * nextDay:
     * Overload the nextDay() method to accept the number of days to go ahead and
     * adjusts the other dates accordingly.
     * @param days int
    public void nextDay(int days)

     * previousDay:
     * Go to previous julian day number (JDN) and adjusts the otehr dates.
    public void previousDay()

     * previousDay:
     * Overload the previousDay() method to accept the number of days to go backward
     * and adjusts the other dates accordingly.
     * @param days int
    public void previousDay(int days)

     * setIranianDate:
     * Sets the date according to the Iranian calendar and adjusts the other dates.
     * @param year int
     * @param month int
     * @param day int
    public void setIranianDate(int year, int month, int day)
        irYear =year;
        irMonth = month;
        irDay = day;
        JDN = IranianDateToJDN();

     * setGregorianDate:
     * Sets the date according to the Gregorian calendar and adjusts the other dates.
     * @param year int
     * @param month int
     * @param day int
    public void setGregorianDate(int year, int month, int day)
        gYear = year;
        gMonth = month;
        gDay = day;
        JDN = gregorianDateToJDN(year,month,day);

     * setJulianDate:
     * Sets the date according to the Julian calendar and adjusts the other dates.
     * @param year int
     * @param month int
     * @param day int
    public void setJulianDate(int year, int month, int day)
        juYear = year;
        juMonth = month;
        juDay = day;
        JDN = julianDateToJDN(year,month,day);

     * IranianCalendar:
     * This method determines if the Iranian (Jalali) year is leap (366-day long)
     * or is the common year (365 days), and finds the day in March (Gregorian
     * Calendar)of the first day of the Iranian year ('irYear').Iranian year (irYear)
     * ranges from (-61 to 3177).This method will set the following private data
     * members as follows:
     * leap: Number of years since the last leap year (0 to 4)
     * Gy: Gregorian year of the begining of Iranian year
     * march: The March day of Farvardin the 1st (first day of jaYear)
    private void IranianCalendar()
        // Iranian years starting the 33-year rule
        int Breaks[]=
            {-61, 9, 38, 199, 426, 686, 756, 818,1111,1181,
                1210,1635,2060,2097,2192,2262,2324,2394,2456,3178} ;
        int jm,N,leapJ,leapG,jp,j,jump;
        gYear = irYear + 621;
        leapJ = -14;
        jp = Breaks[0];
        // Find the limiting years for the Iranian year 'irYear'
            jump = jm-jp;
            if (irYear >= jm)
                leapJ += (jump / 33 * 8 + (jump % 33) / 4);
                jp = jm;
        } while ((j<20) && (irYear >= jm));
        N = irYear - jp;
        // Find the number of leap years from AD 621 to the begining of the current
        // Iranian year in the Iranian (Jalali) calendar
        leapJ += (N/33 * 8 + ((N % 33) +3)/4);
        if ( ((jump % 33) == 4 ) && ((jump-N)==4))
        // And the same in the Gregorian date of Farvardin the first
        leapG = gYear/4 - ((gYear /100 + 1) * 3 / 4) - 150;
        march = 20 + leapJ - leapG;
        // Find how many years have passed since the last leap year
        if ( (jump - N) < 6 )
            N = N - jump + ((jump + 4)/33 * 33);
        leap = (((N+1) % 33)-1) % 4;
        if (leap == -1)
            leap = 4;

     * IsLeap:
     * This method determines if the Iranian (Jalali) year is leap (366-day long)
     * or is the common year (365 days), and finds the day in March (Gregorian
     * Calendar)of the first day of the Iranian year ('irYear').Iranian year (irYear)
     * ranges from (-61 to 3177).This method will set the following private data
     * members as follows:
     * leap: Number of years since the last leap year (0 to 4)
     * Gy: Gregorian year of the begining of Iranian year
     * march: The March day of Farvardin the 1st (first day of jaYear)
    public boolean IsLeap(int irYear1)
        // Iranian years starting the 33-year rule
        int Breaks[]=
            {-61, 9, 38, 199, 426, 686, 756, 818,1111,1181,
                1210,1635,2060,2097,2192,2262,2324,2394,2456,3178} ;
        int jm,N,leapJ,leapG,jp,j,jump;
        gYear = irYear1 + 621;
        leapJ = -14;
        jp = Breaks[0];
        // Find the limiting years for the Iranian year 'irYear'
            jump = jm-jp;
            if (irYear1 >= jm)
                leapJ += (jump / 33 * 8 + (jump % 33) / 4);
                jp = jm;
        } while ((j<20) && (irYear1 >= jm));
        N = irYear1 - jp;
        // Find the number of leap years from AD 621 to the begining of the current
        // Iranian year in the Iranian (Jalali) calendar
        leapJ += (N/33 * 8 + ((N % 33) +3)/4);
        if ( ((jump % 33) == 4 ) && ((jump-N)==4))
        // And the same in the Gregorian date of Farvardin the first
        leapG = gYear/4 - ((gYear /100 + 1) * 3 / 4) - 150;
        march = 20 + leapJ - leapG;
        // Find how many years have passed since the last leap year
        if ( (jump - N) < 6 )
            N = N - jump + ((jump + 4)/33 * 33);
        leap = (((N+1) % 33)-1) % 4;
        if (leap == -1)
            leap = 4;
        if (leap==4 || leap==0)
            return true;
            return false;


     * IranianDateToJDN:
     * Converts a date of the Iranian calendar to the Julian Day Number. It first
     * invokes the 'IranianCalender' private method to convert the Iranian date to
     * Gregorian date and then returns the Julian Day Number based on the Gregorian
     * date. The Iranian date is obtained from 'irYear'(1-3100),'irMonth'(1-12) and
     * 'irDay'(1-29/31).
     * @return long (Julian Day Number)
    private int IranianDateToJDN()
        return (gregorianDateToJDN(gYear,3,march)+ (irMonth-1) * 31 - irMonth/7 * (irMonth-7) + irDay -1);

     * JDNToIranian:
     * Converts the current value of 'JDN' Julian Day Number to a date in the
     * Iranian calendar. The caller should make sure that the current value of
     * 'JDN' is set correctly. This method first converts the JDN to Gregorian
     * calendar and then to Iranian calendar.
    private void JDNToIranian()
        irYear = gYear - 621;
        IranianCalendar(); // This invocation will update 'leap' and 'march'
        int JDN1F = gregorianDateToJDN(gYear,3,march);
        int k = JDN - JDN1F;
        if (k >= 0)
            if (k <= 185)
                irMonth = 1 + k/31;
                irDay = (k % 31) + 1;
                k -= 186;
            k += 179;
            if (leap == 1)
        irMonth = 7 + k/30;
        irDay = (k % 30) + 1;

     * julianDateToJDN:
     * Calculates the julian day number (JDN) from Julian calendar dates. This
     * integer number corresponds to the noon of the date (i.e. 12 hours of
     * Universal Time). This method was tested to be good (valid) since 1 March,
     * -100100 (of both calendars) up to a few millions (10^6) years into the
     * future. The algorithm is based on D.A.Hatcher, Q.Jl.R.Astron.Soc. 25(1984),
     * 53-55 slightly modified by K.M. Borkowski, Post.Astron. 25(1987), 275-279.
     * @param year int
     * @param month int
     * @param day int
     * @return int
    private int julianDateToJDN(int year, int month, int day)
        return (year + (month - 8) / 6 + 100100) * 1461/4 + (153 * ((month+9) % 12) + 2)/5 + day - 34840408;

     * JDNToJulian:
     * Calculates Julian calendar dates from the julian day number (JDN) for the
     * period since JDN=-34839655 (i.e. the year -100100 of both calendars) to
     * some millions (10^6) years ahead of the present. The algorithm is based on
     * D.A. Hatcher, Q.Jl.R.Astron.Soc. 25(1984), 53-55 slightly modified by K.M.
     * Borkowski, Post.Astron. 25(1987), 275-279).
    private void JDNToJulian()
        int j= 4 * JDN + 139361631;
        int i= ((j % 1461)/4) * 5 + 308;
        juDay = (i % 153) / 5 + 1;
        juMonth = ((i/153) % 12) + 1;
        juYear = j/1461 - 100100 + (8-juMonth)/6;

     * gergorianDateToJDN:
     * Calculates the julian day number (JDN) from Gregorian calendar dates. This
     * integer number corresponds to the noon of the date (i.e. 12 hours of
     * Universal Time). This method was tested to be good (valid) since 1 March,
     * -100100 (of both calendars) up to a few millions (10^6) years into the
     * future. The algorithm is based on D.A.Hatcher, Q.Jl.R.Astron.Soc. 25(1984),
     * 53-55 slightly modified by K.M. Borkowski, Post.Astron. 25(1987), 275-279.
     * @param year int
     * @param month int
     * @param day int
     * @return int
    private int gregorianDateToJDN(int year, int month, int day)
        int jdn = (year + (month - 8) / 6 + 100100) * 1461/4 + (153 * ((month+9) % 12) + 2)/5 + day - 34840408;
        jdn = jdn - (year + 100100+(month-8)/6)/100*3/4+752;
        return (jdn);
     * JDNToGregorian:
     * Calculates Gregorian calendar dates from the julian day number (JDN) for
     * the period since JDN=-34839655 (i.e. the year -100100 of both calendars) to
     * some millions (10^6) years ahead of the present. The algorithm is based on
     * D.A. Hatcher, Q.Jl.R.Astron.Soc. 25(1984), 53-55 slightly modified by K.M.
     * Borkowski, Post.Astron. 25(1987), 275-279).
    private void JDNToGregorian()
        int j= 4 * JDN + 139361631;
        j = j + (((((4* JDN +183187720)/146097)*3)/4)*4-3908);
        int i= ((j % 1461)/4) * 5 + 308;
        gDay = (i % 153) / 5 + 1;
        gMonth = ((i/153) % 12) + 1;
        gYear = j/1461 - 100100 + (8-gMonth)/6;

    private int irYear; // Year part of a Iranian date
    private int irMonth; // Month part of a Iranian date
    private int irDay; // Day part of a Iranian date
    private int gYear; // Year part of a Gregorian date
    private int gMonth; // Month part of a Gregorian date
    private int gDay; // Day part of a Gregorian date
    private int juYear; // Year part of a Julian date
    private int juMonth; // Month part of a Julian date
    private int juDay; // Day part of a Julian date
    private int leap; // Number of years since the last leap year (0 to 4)
    private int JDN; // Julian Day Number
    private int march; // The march day of Farvardin the first (First day of jaYear)
} // End of Class 'JavaSource_Calendar
MyUtil.CalendarTool ct = new CalendarTool(2012,10,10);

این کلاس کامل شمسی برای جاوا

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

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