رفتن به مطلب
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سلام دوستان


من چند وقت پیش یه اپی نوشتم کار هم می کنه نسخه apk اش و حتی تو بازار هم هست. الان بهش احتیاج پیدا کردم اومدم کد های basic4android رو ببینم بدون این که دستی بزنم به کد هاش یه ریلیز گرفتم الان داره ارور دیتابیس میده. همه کار هم کردم، تو قسمت کپی False رو True کردم دیتابیسش حل شد اما الان میگه یه تیبل از دیتابیس نیست. در صورتی که همه ی فایل ها کاملا سالمه


خیلی نیازم امروز فوریه اگر امکانش هست اساتید و مسئولین سایت لطفا کمکم کنید


اینم آدرس فایل برنامه

app it


خواهش می کنم یکی سریع کمکم کنه زمانم خیلی کمه



لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

6 پاسخ به این سوال تاکنون داده شده است

ارسال‌های توصیه شده

دوست عزیز اینقد سریع و فوری کمک میخواید بعد حتی ارور یا کدهایی که دارین رو نزاشتینه.

ارور و کدی که استفاده شده بزارید لطفا

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

عذر می خوام اما لینک فایل هست در سوال

اینم خطا

android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such table: cpu (Sqlite code 1): , while compiling: SELECT * from cpu, (OS error - 2:No such file or directory)


اینم کد های من که داره ازشون خطا می گیره


	#FullScreen: True
	#IncludeTitle: False
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
	Dim b1 As Int
	Dim b2 As Int
	Dim b3 As Int
	Dim b4 As Int
	Dim b5 As Int
	Dim b6 As Int
	Dim b7 As Int
	Dim b8 As Int
	Dim b9 As Int
	Dim b10 As Int
	Dim b11 As Int
	Dim b12 As Int
	Dim h As Boolean
	Dim j As Int
	Dim sql4 As SQL
	Dim cur1 As Cursor
	Dim cur2 As Cursor
	Dim cur3 As Cursor
	Dim cur4 As Cursor
	Dim cur5 As Cursor
	Dim cur13 As Cursor
	Dim cur7 As Cursor
	Dim cur8 As Cursor
	Dim cur9 As Cursor
	Dim cur10 As Cursor
	Dim cur11 As Cursor
	Dim cur12 As Cursor
	Dim cur101 As Cursor
	Dim cur102 As Cursor
	Dim cur103 As Cursor
	Dim cur104 As Cursor
	Dim cur105 As Cursor
	Dim cur113 As Cursor
	Dim cur107 As Cursor
	Dim cur108 As Cursor
	Dim cur109 As Cursor
	Dim cur110 As Cursor
	Dim cur111 As Cursor
	Dim cur112 As Cursor
	Dim a1 As Int
	Dim a2 As Int
	Dim a3 As Int
	Dim a4 As Int
	Dim a5 As Int
	Dim a6 As Int
	Dim a7 As Int
	Dim a8 As Int
	Dim a9 As Int
	Dim a10 As Int
	Dim a11 As Int
	Dim a12 As Int
	Dim a13 As Int
End Sub

Sub Globals
	Private Button12345 As Button
	Private ScrollView1 As ScrollView
	Private Button11 As Button
	Private button1 As Button
	Private Button2 As Button
	Private Panel1 As Panel
	Private Spinner1 As Spinner
	Private Spinner2 As Spinner
	Private Spinner3 As Spinner
	Private Spinner4 As Spinner
	Private Spinner5 As Spinner
	Private Spinner6 As Spinner
	Private Spinner7 As Spinner
	Private Spinner8 As Spinner
	Private Spinner9 As Spinner
	Private Spinner10 As Spinner
	Private Spinner11 As Spinner
	Private Spinner12 As Spinner
	Private Label2 As Label
	Private Label1 As Label
	Private Button2222 As Button
	Private Button1111 As Button
	Private Label101 As Label
	Private Label201 As Label
	Private Label301 As Label
	Private Label401 As Label
	Private Label501 As Label
	Private Label601 As Label
	Private Label701 As Label
	Private Label801 As Label
	Private Label901 As Label
	Private label1001 As Label
	Private Label1101 As Label
	Private Label1201 As Label
	Private Label1301 As Label
	Private Label1401 As Label
	Private Label1501 As Label
	Private Label1601 As Label
	Private Label1701 As Label
	Private Label1801 As Label
	Private Label1901 As Label
	Private Label2001 As Label
	Private Label2101 As Label
	Private Label2201 As Label
	Private Label2301 As Label
	Private Label2401 As Label
	Private ScrollView2 As ScrollView
	Private Panel2 As Panel
	Private label1001 As Label
	Private Button3333 As Button
	Private Label3001 As Label
	Private Label4001 As Label
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
	h = False
	ScrollView1.Panel.Height = Panel1.height
	ScrollView2.Panel.Height = Panel2.height
	If File.Exists(File.DirInternal,"pcfinder1000.db") = False Then
	End If
	If sql4.IsInitialized=False Then
	End If
	cur1 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from cpu")
	cur2 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from gpu")
	cur3 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from hdd")
	cur4 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from ram")
	cur5 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from power_supply")
	cur13 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from sucase")
	cur7 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from keyboard")
	cur8 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from monitor")
	cur9 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from mouse")
	cur10 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from mainboard")
	cur11 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from optical_drive")
	cur12 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from accessories")
	cur101 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from cpu1")
	cur102 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from gpu1")
	cur103 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from hdd1")
	cur104 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from ram1")
	cur105 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from power_supply1")
	cur113 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from sucase1")
	cur107 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from keyboard1")
	cur108 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from monitor1")
	cur109 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from mouse1")
	cur110 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from mainboard1")
	cur111 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from optical_drive1")
	cur112 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from accessories1")
	For i = 0 To cur1.rowcount-1
		cur1.Position = i
	For i = 0 To cur2.rowcount-1
		cur2.Position = i
	For i = 0 To cur3.rowcount-1
		cur3.Position = i
	For i = 0 To cur4.rowcount-1
		cur4.Position = i
	For i = 0 To cur5.rowcount-1
		cur5.Position = i
	For i = 0 To cur13.RowCount-1
		cur13.Position = i
	For i = 0 To cur7.rowcount-1
		cur7.Position = i
	For i = 0 To cur8.rowcount-1
		cur8.Position = i
	For i = 0 To cur9.rowcount-1
		cur9.Position = i
	For i = 0 To cur10.rowcount-1
		cur10.Position = i
	For i = 0 To cur11.rowcount-1
		cur11.Position = i
	For i = 0 To cur12.rowcount-1
		cur12.Position = i
	If ScrollView1.ScrollPosition = 225%y Then
		button1.Visible = False
		Button2.Visible = False
	End If
Spinner1.DropdownBackgroundColor= Colors.black
Spinner2.DropdownBackgroundColor= Colors.black
Spinner3.DropdownBackgroundColor= Colors.black
Spinner4.DropdownBackgroundColor= Colors.Black
Spinner5.DropdownBackgroundColor= Colors.black
Spinner6.DropdownBackgroundColor= Colors.black
Spinner7.DropdownBackgroundColor= Colors.black
Spinner8.DropdownBackgroundColor= Colors.black
Spinner9.DropdownBackgroundColor= Colors.black
Spinner10.DropdownBackgroundColor= Colors.black
Spinner11.DropdownBackgroundColor= Colors.black
Spinner12.DropdownBackgroundColor= Colors.black
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub
Sub Button1_click
	ScrollView1.ScrollPosition = 0
End Sub
Sub Button2_click
	If h = True Then 
		h = False
	End If
End Sub

Sub Spinner1_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
	cur101.Position = 0
	j = cur101.GetInt("seq")
	For i = 0 To j - 1
		If Position = i Then
			cur1.Position = i
			b1 = i
			a1 = cur1.GetInt("gheymat")
			Label101.Text = cur1.GetString("cpu1")
			Label201.Text = cur1.GetInt("gheymat")
		End If
End Sub

Sub Spinner2_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
	cur102.Position = 0
	j = 8
	For i = 0 To j - 1
		If Position = i Then
			cur2.Position = i
			b2 = i
			Label301.Text = cur2.GetString("gpu1")
			Label401.Text = cur2.GetInt("gheymat")
			a2 = cur2.GetInt("gheymat")
		End If
End Sub

Sub Spinner3_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
	cur103.Position = 0
	j = cur103.GetInt("seq")
	For i = 0 To j - 1
		If Position = i Then
			b3 = i
			cur3.Position = i
			Label501.Text = cur3.GetString("hdd1")
			Label601.Text = cur3.GetInt("gheymat")
			a3 = cur3.GetInt("gheymat")
		End If
End Sub

Sub Spinner4_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
	cur104.Position = 0
	j = cur104.GetInt("seq")
	For i = 0 To j - 1
		If Position = i Then
			b4 = i
			Label701.Text = cur4.GetString("ram1")
			Label801.text = cur4.GetInt("gheymat")
			cur4.Position = i
			a4 = cur4.GetInt("gheymat")
		End If
End Sub

Sub Spinner5_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
	cur105.Position = 0
	j = cur105.GetInt("seq")
	For i = 0 To j - 1
		If Position = i Then
			b5 = i
			Label901.Text = cur5.GetString("power_supply1")
			label1001.Text = cur5.GetInt("gheymat")
			cur5.Position = i
			a5 = cur5.GetInt("gheymat")
	End If
End Sub

Sub Spinner6_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
	cur113.position = 0
	j = cur113.GetInt("seq")
	For i = 0 To j - 1
		If Position = i Then
			b6 = i
			Label1101.Text = cur13.GetString("sucase1")
			Label1201.Text = cur13.GetInt("gheymat")
			cur13.Position = i
			a6 = cur13.GetInt("gheymat")
		End If
End Sub

Sub Spinner7_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
	cur107.Position = 0
	j = cur107.GetInt("seq")
	For i = 0 To j - 1
		If Position = i Then
			b7 = i
			Label1301.Text = cur7.GetString("keyboard1")
			Label1401.Text = cur7.GetInt("gheymat")
			cur7.Position = i
			a7 = cur1.GetInt("gheymat")
		End If
End Sub

Sub Spinner8_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
cur108.Position = 0
	j = cur108.GetInt("seq")
	For i = 0 To j - 1
		If Position = i Then
			b8 = i
			cur8.Position = i
			Label1501.Text = cur8.GetString("monitor1")
			Label1601.Text = cur8.getint("gheymat")
			a8 = cur8.GetInt("gheymat")
		End If
End Sub

Sub Spinner9_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
	cur109.Position = 0
	j = cur109.GetInt("seq")
	For i = 0 To j - 1
		If Position = i Then
			b9 = i
			Label1701.Text = cur9.GetString("mouse1")
			Label1801.Text = cur9.getint("gheymat")
			cur9.Position = i
			a9 = cur9.GetInt("gheymat")
		End If
End Sub

Sub Spinner10_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
	cur110.Position = 0
	j = cur110.GetInt("seq")
	For i = 0 To j - 1
		If Position = i Then
			b10 = i
			Label1901.Text = cur10.GetString("mainboard1")
			Label2001.Text = cur10.getint("gheymat")
			cur10.Position = i
			a10 = cur10.GetInt("gheymat")
		End If	
End Sub

Sub Spinner11_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
	cur111.Position = 0
	j = cur111.GetInt("seq")
	For i = 0 To j - 1
		If Position = i Then
			b11 = i
			cur11.Position = i
			a11 = cur11.GetInt("gheymat")
			Label2201.Text = cur11.Getstring("optical_drive1")
			Label2101.Text = cur11.GetInt("gheymat")
		End If
End Sub

Sub Spinner12_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
	cur112.Position = 0
	j = cur112.GetInt("seq")
	For i = 0 To j - 1
		If Position = i Then
			b12 = i
			cur12.Position = i
			Label2301.Text = cur12.GetString("accessories1")
			Label2401.Text = cur12.Getint("gheymat")
			a12 = cur12.GetInt("gheymat")
		End If
End Sub
Sub Button11_click
	Button1111.visible = True
	Button2222.Visible = True
End Sub
Sub panel1_click
	Button1111.visible = False
	Button2222.visible = False
End Sub
Sub Button1111_click
	a13 = (a1+a2+a3+a4+a5+a6+a7+a8+a9+a10+a11+a12)*1000
	Label2.Text = a13
End Sub
Sub Button2222_click
	ScrollView2.Visible = True
	Button3333.Visible = True
End Sub
Sub Button3333_click
	ScrollView2.Visible = False
	Button3333.Visible = False
End Sub
Sub Button12345_click
	Msgbox("این بخش در نسخه های آینده افزوده خواهد شد","هشدار")
End Sub

دیباگ هم کردم از این خط ارور میگیره اما دیتابیس کاملا سالمه

cur1 = sql4.ExecQuery("SELECT * from cpu")


در ۱ ساعت قبل، محمدرضا شاهپیری گفته است :

دوست عزیز اینقد سریع و فوری کمک میخواید بعد حتی ارور یا کدهایی که دارین رو نزاشتینه.

ارور و کدی که استفاده شده بزارید لطفا

فرستادم لطفا کمک کنید

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

دوست عزیز دیتابیستون کلا مشکل داره واسه من که اصلا باز نمیشه با هیچ برنامه ای . گذشته از این خیلییییییی بد کدنویسی کردین وقعا ناشیانه است این.

انگار اصلا به مفاهیم شی گراییو کلاس و کدماژول اعتقادی ندارین.

این اکتیویتی ساده شما وقتی کامپایل میشه به جاوا دقیقا شده 1370 خط کد. :(

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

در 1 ساعت قبل، محمدرضا شاهپیری گفته است :

دوست عزیز اینقد سریع و فوری کمک میخواید بعد حتی ارور یا کدهایی که دارین رو نزاشتینه.

ارور و کدی که استفاده شده بزارید لطفا

این دیتابیس الان داخل اپ اصلی کاملا کار میکنه و مشکلی نداشت

الان که کد و می خوام ریلیز بگیرم ارور میده

چطوری حلش کنم؟


لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

فایل apk قبلیتون رو پیوست کنید تا دیتابیسشو در بیارم این احتمالا دیتابیست خراب شده 

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

دوست عزیز مرسی

دیتابیس قبلی و جایگزین کردم حل شد

احتمالا مشکل به خاطر تغییر نام دستی فایل دیتابس ایجاد شده بود که لازمه حتما تغییر نام از طریق خود Navicat صورت بگیره


ممنون به هر حال

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

بایگانی شده

این موضوع بایگانی و قفل شده و دیگر امکان ارسال پاسخ نیست.

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