رفتن به مطلب

کتابخانه مفید کار با String


ارسال‌های توصیه شده


امروز یک کتابخانه نیاز پیدا کردم که تونستم پیدا کنم چون خیلی مفید و مهم هست حتما دانلود کنید و داشته باشید

واقعا دست سازنده درد نکنه کلیه توابع رشته ای در .net رو پیاده کرده.

این هم لیست کار انجام کارهایی که میشه روی رشته انجام داد ... قبلش باید با این کد کتابخانه رو فعال کنید ..

[Sub Globals

Dim sf AsStringFunctions


End Sub

StringFunctions Version 1.05

  • AsciiCodes
    Displays a MessageBox with all Characters and their ASCII codes.
  • AddSpaces (HowMany As Int) As String
    Returns a string of spaces. The number returned is set by HowMany.
  • At (YourString As String, SearchFor As String))
    Returns the position of the SearchFor within YourString.
  • CurrentWeek (MyDate As String) As Int
    Returns the number of the current week, 1-52 from the date passed to MyDate.
  • DayOfMonth (MyDate As ) As Int
    Returns the day of the month like 1-31, from the date passed to MyDate.
  • Decrypt (YourText As String) As String
    Converts an encrypted string of text to readable format, no key is needed.
  • Empty (StringText As String) As Boolean
    Test to see if the string is empty and returns True if it is, otherwise returns False.
  • Encrypt (YourText As String) As String
    Converts a string of text to simple encryption, no Key is needed.
  • EraseData
    This will erase all data saved with the SaveData function stored in the
    temporary vault.
  • FileExist (PathAndFileName As String) As Boolean
    Returns True if the filename passed does exist, otherwise returns False.
    Be sure to include the path like:
    If FileExist("/mnt/sdcard/mydata.dat") Then MsgBox("Yes", "The Answer")
  • GetData (Key As Object) As Object
    Gets data from the temporary vault.
    EditText1.Text = SF.GetData("EnteredName")
    The Key is case sensitive.
  • InString (YourString As String, SearchFor As String))
    Returns the position of the SearchFor within YourString.
  • IsEmpty (StringText As String) As Boolean
    Test to see if the string is empty and returns True if it is, otherwise returns False.
  • Left (StringText As String, Length As Long) As String
    Returns the Left portion of a string with the number of characters passed
    in Length.
  • Len (StringText As String) As Long
    Returns the length of the string.
  • ListToString (YourList As List, Sorted As Boolean, Ascending As Boolean) As String
    Converts a List object to a String.
  • ListToStringArray (YourList As List, Sorted As Boolean, Ascending As Boolean) As String()
    Converts a List object to a String Array.
  • Lower (StringText As String) As String
    Returns the string converted to Lowercase characters.
  • Ltrim (StringText As String) As String
    Returns a new string with the leading spaces removed.
  • MB (Message As String)
    Same as MsgBox but only needs one parameter.
  • Mid (StringText As String, Start As Int, Length As Int) As String
    Returns the a new String for how ever many characters passed in Length from
    a starting position passed in Start.
    Mid("This is a long line of text", 5, 2)
    In this example the function will Return: "is"
  • MidExtract (StringText As String, Start As String, EndAt As String) As String
    Used to extract text from a string between to other blocks of text.
    Ans = MidExtract("Dr. Jim Joe Brown", "Jim", "Brown") 'Returns: Joe
    Ans = MidExtract("Dr. Jim [Joe] Brown", "[", "]") 'Returns: Joe
  • MidS (StringText As String, StartAt As Int) As String
    Works like the Mid$ function in Visual Basic.
  • Month (MyDate As String) As Int
    Returns the number of the current month 1-12 as Int type, from the date passed to MyDate.
  • MonthName (MyDate As String) As String
    Returns the Name the current month as a String like January, etc., from the date passed to MyDate.
  • NewDate (DatePassed As String, HowManyDays As Int) As String
    Returns a new date adding or subtracting HowManyDays. HowManyDays can be positive or
    negative numbers.
  • NumOfDaysBetween (CurrentDate As String, OtherDate As String) As Int
    Returns the numbers of days passed between the two dates passed.
  • Pad (Text As String, PadWith As String, Length As Int, Post As Boolean) As String
    Used to pad a string with a selected character. If Post = True the padding will follow
    any text in the string, if Post = False, the padding will be before the text. Length is
    the total length for the padded string. PadWith is the selected character to use for the
    SF.Pad("Jimmy Joe", "*", 20, True) 'Returns "Jimmy Joe***********"
  • Proper (StringText As String) As String
    Returns the string in proper format.
    MyText = "jim joe brown"
    MyText = SF.Proper(Mytext)
    This function will return: "Jim Joe Brown"
  • Replicate (mChar As String, Times As Int) As String
    Repeats any character passed, a selected number of Times.
  • Right (StringText As String, Length As Long) As String
    Returns the Right portion of a string with the number of characters passed
    in Length.
  • RndChrGen (StringLength As Int, CharacterType As Int) As String
    Returns a string of ramdom characters with a length specified by StringLength. CharacterType tells
    the function what type of characters to return.
    CharacterType = 0 for Upper and Lower case
    CharacterType = 1 for Upper case only
    CharacterType = 2 for Lower case only
  • Rtrim (StringText As String) As String
    Returns a new string with the trailing spaces removed.
  • SaveData (Key As Object, Data As Object)
    Save data passed in a temporary file.
    SF.SaveData("ScreenTitle", MyVar)
    SF.SaveData("EnteredName", EditText1.Text)
  • ScrInfo ( As Pect) As Int
    Returns information about the devices screen. You can pass these parameters:
    Pass "W" for Width
    Pass "H" for Height
    Pass "S" for Scale
    Pass "D" for DPI
    Call like: SF.ScrInfo("W")
  • SearchDate (Date1 As String, Date2 As String, DateRange As Int) As Boolean
    Returns True if the Date1 and the Date2 are within x Days(DateRange) of each other.
    Pass the dates as Strings.
    SearchDate("03/01/2013", "02/15/2013", 30)
  • Split (CurrentString As String, Split_At_Delimiter As String) As List
    Returns a LIST of items from the string split at the Delimiter.
    Dim ANS As List
    ANS = SF.Split("This is a test string.", " ")
  • SplitGetWord (CurrentString As String, Split_At_Delimiter As String, GetElement As Int) As String
    Returns just the one element selected with GetElement from the string.
    ANS = SF.SplitGetWord("This is a test string.", " ", 2)
    In this example the function will Return: "is"
  • StrArraySort (StringArray() As String, Ascending As Boolean) As String()
    Used to sort a String Array. Sort will be in Ascending order if Ascending = True.
  • StringArrayToList (StringArray() As String, Sorted As Boolean, Ascending As Boolean) As List
    Converts a String Array to a List object.
  • StringToList (StringText As String, Sorted As Boolean, Ascending As Boolean) As List
    Convert a String to a List object. This will split the string between words.
  • Stuff (CurrentText As String, InsertInString As String, RemoveFromString As String) As String
    Used to replace text in a string with new text.
    MyText = "I will tell you that joe is a good friend!"
    MyText = SF.Stuff(MyText, "Joe Brown", "joe")
    This function will return: "I will tell you that Joe Brown is a good friend!"
  • Today () As String
    Returns the devices date.
  • Trim (Text As String) As String
    Returns a new string with leading and trailing spaces removed.
  • Upper (StringText As String) As String
    Returns the string converted to Uppercase characters.
  • Val (StringText As String) As Double
    Returns the numerical value of a string. If the string contains now value it returns 0.
  • ValidDate (ChkDate As ) As Boolean
    Returns True if the date passed is a Valid date.
  • WeekDay (MyDate As String) As String
    Returns the number of the day of the week 1-7 as a String, from the date passed to MyDate.
  • WeekName (MyDate As String) As String
    Returns the name of the day of the week like Sunday, Monday, etc., from the date passed to MyDate.
  • Year (MyDate As String) As String
    Returns the year of the date passed in MyDate.
    SF.Year("01/01/2013") returns "2013"
  • getSDCardPath () As String
    Returns external/physical SD Card directory. This function may not return the correct store
    on an Android OS above 4.1. This is due to changes made to the OS system in the newer versions.
    Returns "", if the store can not be read.
  • iif (Value1 As String, Value2 As String, Value3 As String) As String
    This is a single line if conditional test. If Value1 is true, Value2 is returned, otherwise
    Value3 will be returned. Works with strings and booleans.
    MsgBox(iif("Bob"="Jim", "They are the same", "They are not the same"), "The Answer")
    MyBoolean = iif(FirstTime = True, StartMyService = True, StartMyService = False)

StringFunctions 1.05.zip

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

  • 6 ماه بعد...

سلام واقعا ممنون خیلی وقت بود دنبالش بودم...... 

فقط یه سوال..... چرا تابع left و right کار نمیکنن ؟ من خیلی کارم مهمه با این دوتا.... لطفا کمک کنین. خیلی فوریه 

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

برای اینکاه میتونید از IndexOf خود متغیر استارینگ معمولی استفاده کنید

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

برای اینکاه میتونید از IndexOf خود متغیر استارینگ معمولی استفاده کنید

مرسی لطف کردی. ولی فقط این نیس. چیزای دیگه مثل لایک ام لازم داشتم. من فقط یه خط کد میخام که سه حرف آخر رشته رو با یه رشته دیگه که مثل همونهنشون بده 


مثلا وقتی چنتا رشته مختلف "1234" و "12345" و "12345678" دارم و تو edittext تایپ میکنم "12345678" از بین این 3 تا اونی که سه حرف آخرش 678 هست رو چاپ کنه


میشه همچین چیزی ؟


تو C#  و ++c با تابع like% میشد

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آره خوب شما میتونی اول طول رشته رو بگیری بعد بهش بگی که سه تای آخر رو برام جدا کن همین

لینک ارسال
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کتابخونه دیگه

واسه کسایی که اکثر کاراشون با توابع رشته ای هست به کار میاد. یا حتی کسایی که بعضی مواقع با رشته سر و کار دارن

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

@@puyan.best, شما برای Left  و Right  هم میتونید خودتون از SubString  استفاده کنید

به این شکل که برای Right  میتونید مثلا بگید 3 حرف اخر و بیایید Length  متن رو از عدد 3 کم کنید و به تابع SubString  بدیم.

در کل کتابخونه واسه Left  و Right  و Mid  هم هست و میتونید همین کلمات رو جستجو کنید.

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

@@puyan.best, شما برای Left  و Right  هم میتونید خودتون از SubString  استفاده کنید

به این شکل که برای Right  میتونید مثلا بگید 3 حرف اخر و بیایید Length  متن رو از عدد 3 کم کنید و به تابع SubString  بدیم.

در کل کتابخونه واسه Left  و Right  و Mid  هم هست و میتونید همین کلمات رو جستجو کنید.

آره همین راه خیلی عالیه. ممنون. لطف میکنید یه مثال بیارید ؟

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

@@puyan.best, شما برای Left  و Right  هم میتونید خودتون از SubString  استفاده کنید

به این شکل که برای Right  میتونید مثلا بگید 3 حرف اخر و بیایید Length  متن رو از عدد 3 کم کنید و به تابع SubString  بدیم.

در کل کتابخونه واسه Left  و Right  و Mid  هم هست و میتونید همین کلمات رو جستجو کنید.


این کارو کردم ولی به جای سه حرف آخر .... اول حرفارو میشماره و نشون میده... مثلا 582 رو 3 و یا 99965 رو 5 نشون میده

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

این کارو کردم ولی به جای سه حرف آخر .... اول حرفارو میشماره و نشون میده... مثلا 582 رو 3 و یا 99965 رو 5 نشون میده

از همگی ممنون مشکل حل شد.

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

  • 2 ماه بعد...


امروز یک کتابخانه نیاز پیدا کردم که تونستم پیدا کنم چون خیلی مفید و مهم هست حتما دانلود کنید و داشته باشید

واقعا دست سازنده درد نکنه کلیه توابع رشته ای در .net رو پیاده کرده.

این هم لیست کار انجام کارهایی که میشه روی رشته انجام داد ... قبلش باید با این کد کتابخانه رو فعال کنید ..

[Sub Globals

Dim sf AsStringFunctions


End Sub

StringFunctions Version 1.05


  • AsciiCodes

    Displays a MessageBox with all Characters and their ASCII codes.

  • AddSpaces (HowMany As Int) As String

    Returns a string of spaces. The number returned is set by HowMany.

  • At (YourString As String, SearchFor As String))

    Returns the position of the SearchFor within YourString.

  • CurrentWeek (MyDate As String) As Int

    Returns the number of the current week, 1-52 from the date passed to MyDate.

  • DayOfMonth (MyDate As ) As Int

    Returns the day of the month like 1-31, from the date passed to MyDate.

  • Decrypt (YourText As String) As String

    Converts an encrypted string of text to readable format, no key is needed.

  • Empty (StringText As String) As Boolean

    Test to see if the string is empty and returns True if it is, otherwise returns False.

  • Encrypt (YourText As String) As String

    Converts a string of text to simple encryption, no Key is needed.

  • EraseData

    This will erase all data saved with the SaveData function stored in the

    temporary vault.

  • FileExist (PathAndFileName As String) As Boolean

    Returns True if the filename passed does exist, otherwise returns False.

    Be sure to include the path like:

    If FileExist("/mnt/sdcard/mydata.dat") Then MsgBox("Yes", "The Answer")

  • GetData (Key As Object) As Object

    Gets data from the temporary vault.

    EditText1.Text = SF.GetData("EnteredName")

    The Key is case sensitive.

  • InString (YourString As String, SearchFor As String))

    Returns the position of the SearchFor within YourString.

  • IsEmpty (StringText As String) As Boolean

    Test to see if the string is empty and returns True if it is, otherwise returns False.

  • Left (StringText As String, Length As Long) As String

    Returns the Left portion of a string with the number of characters passed

    in Length.

  • Len (StringText As String) As Long

    Returns the length of the string.

  • ListToString (YourList As List, Sorted As Boolean, Ascending As Boolean) As String

    Converts a List object to a String.

  • ListToStringArray (YourList As List, Sorted As Boolean, Ascending As Boolean) As String()

    Converts a List object to a String Array.

  • Lower (StringText As String) As String

    Returns the string converted to Lowercase characters.

  • Ltrim (StringText As String) As String

    Returns a new string with the leading spaces removed.

  • MB (Message As String)

    Same as MsgBox but only needs one parameter.

  • Mid (StringText As String, Start As Int, Length As Int) As String

    Returns the a new String for how ever many characters passed in Length from

    a starting position passed in Start.


    Mid("This is a long line of text", 5, 2)

    In this example the function will Return: "is"

  • MidExtract (StringText As String, Start As String, EndAt As String) As String

    Used to extract text from a string between to other blocks of text.

    Ans = MidExtract("Dr. Jim Joe Brown", "Jim", "Brown") 'Returns: Joe

    Ans = MidExtract("Dr. Jim [Joe] Brown", "[", "]") 'Returns: Joe

  • MidS (StringText As String, StartAt As Int) As String

    Works like the Mid$ function in Visual Basic.

  • Month (MyDate As String) As Int

    Returns the number of the current month 1-12 as Int type, from the date passed to MyDate.

  • MonthName (MyDate As String) As String

    Returns the Name the current month as a String like January, etc., from the date passed to MyDate.

  • NewDate (DatePassed As String, HowManyDays As Int) As String

    Returns a new date adding or subtracting HowManyDays. HowManyDays can be positive or

    negative numbers.

  • NumOfDaysBetween (CurrentDate As String, OtherDate As String) As Int

    Returns the numbers of days passed between the two dates passed.

  • Pad (Text As String, PadWith As String, Length As Int, Post As Boolean) As String

    Used to pad a string with a selected character. If Post = True the padding will follow

    any text in the string, if Post = False, the padding will be before the text. Length is

    the total length for the padded string. PadWith is the selected character to use for the


    SF.Pad("Jimmy Joe", "*", 20, True) 'Returns "Jimmy Joe***********"

  • Proper (StringText As String) As String

    Returns the string in proper format.


    MyText = "jim joe brown"

    MyText = SF.Proper(Mytext)

    This function will return: "Jim Joe Brown"

  • Replicate (mChar As String, Times As Int) As String

    Repeats any character passed, a selected number of Times.

  • Right (StringText As String, Length As Long) As String

    Returns the Right portion of a string with the number of characters passed

    in Length.

  • RndChrGen (StringLength As Int, CharacterType As Int) As String

    Returns a string of ramdom characters with a length specified by StringLength. CharacterType tells

    the function what type of characters to return.

    CharacterType = 0 for Upper and Lower case

    CharacterType = 1 for Upper case only

    CharacterType = 2 for Lower case only

  • Rtrim (StringText As String) As String

    Returns a new string with the trailing spaces removed.

  • SaveData (Key As Object, Data As Object)

    Save data passed in a temporary file.

    SF.SaveData("ScreenTitle", MyVar)


    SF.SaveData("EnteredName", EditText1.Text)

  • ScrInfo ( As Pect) As Int

    Returns information about the devices screen. You can pass these parameters:

    Pass "W" for Width

    Pass "H" for Height

    Pass "S" for Scale

    Pass "D" for DPI

    Call like: SF.ScrInfo("W")

  • SearchDate (Date1 As String, Date2 As String, DateRange As Int) As Boolean

    Returns True if the Date1 and the Date2 are within x Days(DateRange) of each other.

    Pass the dates as Strings.


    SearchDate("03/01/2013", "02/15/2013", 30)

  • Split (CurrentString As String, Split_At_Delimiter As String) As List

    Returns a LIST of items from the string split at the Delimiter.


    Dim ANS As List

    ANS = SF.Split("This is a test string.", " ")

  • SplitGetWord (CurrentString As String, Split_At_Delimiter As String, GetElement As Int) As String

    Returns just the one element selected with GetElement from the string.


    ANS = SF.SplitGetWord("This is a test string.", " ", 2)

    In this example the function will Return: "is"

  • StrArraySort (StringArray() As String, Ascending As Boolean) As String()

    Used to sort a String Array. Sort will be in Ascending order if Ascending = True.

  • StringArrayToList (StringArray() As String, Sorted As Boolean, Ascending As Boolean) As List

    Converts a String Array to a List object.

  • StringToList (StringText As String, Sorted As Boolean, Ascending As Boolean) As List

    Convert a String to a List object. This will split the string between words.

  • Stuff (CurrentText As String, InsertInString As String, RemoveFromString As String) As String

    Used to replace text in a string with new text.


    MyText = "I will tell you that joe is a good friend!"

    MyText = SF.Stuff(MyText, "Joe Brown", "joe")

    This function will return: "I will tell you that Joe Brown is a good friend!"

  • Today () As String

    Returns the devices date.

  • Trim (Text As String) As String

    Returns a new string with leading and trailing spaces removed.

  • Upper (StringText As String) As String

    Returns the string converted to Uppercase characters.

  • Val (StringText As String) As Double

    Returns the numerical value of a string. If the string contains now value it returns 0.

  • ValidDate (ChkDate As ) As Boolean

    Returns True if the date passed is a Valid date.

  • WeekDay (MyDate As String) As String

    Returns the number of the day of the week 1-7 as a String, from the date passed to MyDate.

  • WeekName (MyDate As String) As String

    Returns the name of the day of the week like Sunday, Monday, etc., from the date passed to MyDate.

  • Year (MyDate As String) As String

    Returns the year of the date passed in MyDate.


    SF.Year("01/01/2013") returns "2013"

  • getSDCardPath () As String

    Returns external/physical SD Card directory. This function may not return the correct store

    on an Android OS above 4.1. This is due to changes made to the OS system in the newer versions.

    Returns "", if the store can not be read.

  • iif (Value1 As String, Value2 As String, Value3 As String) As String

    This is a single line if conditional test. If Value1 is true, Value2 is returned, otherwise

    Value3 will be returned. Works with strings and booleans.


    MsgBox(iif("Bob"="Jim", "They are the same", "They are not the same"), "The Answer")


    MyBoolean = iif(FirstTime = True, StartMyService = True, StartMyService = False)

attachicon.gifStringFunctions 1.05.zip


باهاش میشه چیکار کرد میشه توضیح بدید

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

باهاش میشه چیکار کرد میشه توضیح بدید

دوستم هیچوقت پست اول رو نقل قول نکنید لطفا!

این کتابخونه طبق توضیحات دوستمون و توابعی که مشاهده میشه می تونید تمامی عملیاتی که برای رشته ها موجوده انجتم بدید

مثلا :

اعتبار سنجی


رمز گشایی



فضای خالی

و ....


موفق باشید.

لینک ارسال
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  • 1 سال بعد...


یه سوال داشتم

میخوام کاربر یه متنی رو وارد ادیت تکست بکنه بعد بشه رو حروف اون کار کرد

مثلا کاربر بنویسه


بعد برنامه بتونه بگه سومین حرف وارد شده چیه

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به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

بایگانی شده

این موضوع بایگانی و قفل شده و دیگر امکان ارسال پاسخ نیست.

  • کاربران آنلاین در این صفحه   0 کاربر

    • هیچ کاربر عضوی،در حال مشاهده این صفحه نیست.
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