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پخش نشدن بعضی از فیلم ها

naser sahami


بچه ها یه به این کدا یه  نگاه بندازید ببنید کجا مشکل داره که بعضی لینک های فیلما نشون نمیده  ارور عدم پخش میده میخوام هرلینک فیلمی که دادم پخش کنه .

Sub Class_Globals
Private ht As HttpJob
Private sFileName As String
Private VideoView1 As VideoView
Private Url As String
Dim dier As String

End Sub

#Region Initialize Video Stream
'Play Video if it is cache and if not cache then download it
'and show in videoView
Public Sub Initialize(sUrl As String,VideoViews As VideoView)
dier = File.DirRootExternal& "/ehsan"
sFileName = sUrl.SubString(sUrl.LastIndexOf("/")+1)
VideoView1 = VideoViews
'If File.Exists(File.DirRootExternal,sFileName) = False Then
If File.Exists(dier,sFileName) = False Then
 If checkInternet = False Then
  ToastMessageShow("فایل موجود نمی باشد",True)
  ToastMessageShow("لطفا اینترنت را فعال کنید",True)
 End If
  Url = sUrl
End If
End Sub

Sub initHttp
    Httputils.CallbackActivity = "actDownload"
    Httputils.CallbackJobDoneSub = "JobDone"
    Httputils.CallbackUrlDoneSub = "UrlDone"
End Sub

#End Region

Private Sub JobDone (Job As String)
dier = File.DirRootExternal& "/ehsan"
   Select Job
      Case "downloadFile"
      If Httputils.IsSuccess(Url) Then
      End If
   End Select
   Httputils.Complete = False 
End Sub

Sub checkInternet As Boolean 
   Dim p As Phone
   Dim connected As Boolean
   connected = False
   If (p.GetDataState == "CONNECTED") Then
      connected = True
   End If
   If (p.GetSettings ("wifi_on") == 1) Then
      connected = True
   End If
   Return connected
End Sub

'Version 1.04
Sub Process_Globals
	Dim Tasks As List 'List of URLs to fetch.
	'A map that holds the successful links.
	'The links are stored as keys. The values are not used.
	Dim SuccessfulUrls As Map 
	Dim Working As Boolean 'True when a job is still running
	Dim Complete As Boolean 'True after a job has completer
	Dim Job As String 'Name of the current running Job
	Dim CallbackActivity As String 'Name of Activity that handles the callbacks.
	Dim CallbackJobDoneSub As String 'Name of the JobDone callback sub.
	Dim CallbackUrlDoneSub As String 'Name of the UrlDone callback sub.
	Dim CallbackProgressSub As String 'download progress of file
	Type ProgressStatus(Downloaded As Long,Total As Long)
End Sub
'Download a single resource (GET method).
Sub Download(JobName As String, URL As String)
	DownloadList(JobName, Array As String(URL))
End Sub
'Downloads a list of resources (GET method).
Sub DownloadList(JobName As String, URLs As List)
	If internalCheckIfCanStart(JobName) = False Then Return
	Tasks = URLs
	HttputilsService.Post = False
End Sub
'Sends a POST request with the given string as the post data
Sub PostString(JobName As String, URL As String, Text As String)
	PostBytes(JobName, URL, Text.GetBytes("UTF8"))
End Sub
'Sends a POST request with the given file send as the post data.
Sub PostFile(JobName As String, URL As String, Dir As String, FileName As String)
	If internalCheckIfCanStart(JobName) = False Then Return
	Dim length As Int
	If Dir = File.DirAssets Then
		Log("Cannot send files from the assets folder.")
	End If
	length = File.Size(Dir, FileName)
	Dim In As InputStream
	In = File.OpenInput(Dir, FileName)
	If length < 1000000 Then '1mb
		'There are advantages for sending the file as bytes array. It allows the Http library to resend the data
		'if it failed in the first time.
		Dim out As OutputStream
		File.Copy2(In, out)
		HttputilsService.PostInputStream = Null
		HttputilsService.PostBytes = out.ToBytesArray
		HttputilsService.PostInputStream = In
		HttputilsService.PostLength = length
	End If
	Tasks = Array As String(URL)
	HttputilsService.Post = True
End Sub
'Sends a POST request with the given data as the post data.
Sub PostBytes(JobName As String, URL As String, Data() As Byte)
	If internalCheckIfCanStart(JobName) = False Then Return
	HttputilsService.PostInputStream = Null
	HttputilsService.PostBytes = Data
	Tasks = Array As String(URL)
	HttputilsService.Post = True
End Sub
Sub internalCheckIfCanStart(JobName As String) As Boolean
	If Working Then
		Log("Already working. Request ignored (" & JobName & ")")
		Return False
	End If
	Log("Starting Job: " & JobName)
	Job = JobName
	Working = True
	Complete = False
	Return True
End Sub
Sub IsSuccess(URL As String) As Boolean
	Return SuccessfulUrls.ContainsKey(URL)
End Sub

'Get methods should be called only after the JobDone event or the UrlDone event.
Sub GetString(URL As String) As String
	If IsSuccess(URL) = False Then
		Log("Task not completed successfully.")
		Return ""
	End If
	Return File.GetText(HttputilsService.TempFolder, SuccessfulUrls.Get(URL))
End Sub

Sub GetBitmap(URL As String) As Bitmap
	Dim b As Bitmap
	If IsSuccess(URL) = False Then
		Log("Task not completed successfully.")
		Return b
	End If
	b = LoadBitmap(HttputilsService.TempFolder, SuccessfulUrls.Get(URL))
	Return b
End Sub
Sub SaveFile(URL As String, LocalPath As String,Fname As String)
	If IsSuccess(URL) = False Then
		Log("Task not completed successfully.")
	End If
	File.Copy(HttputilsService.TempFolder, SuccessfulUrls.Get(URL),LocalPath,Fname)
End Sub

Sub GetInputStream(URL As String) As InputStream
	Dim In As InputStream
	If IsSuccess(URL) = False Then
		Log("Task not completed successfully.")
		Return In
	End If
	In = File.OpenInput(HttputilsService.TempFolder, SuccessfulUrls.Get(URL))
	Return In
End Sub

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

4 پاسخ به این سوال تاکنون داده شده است

ارسال‌های توصیه شده


اگه سورسی باشه که تو فروشگاه هست مشکلی نداره، اکثر فرمت ها رو پخش میکنه ربطی ب سورس نداره پخش نکردن به ویدیو ویو ربط داره. 

ولی فکر کنم دلیلش دست کاری کردن شرط ها باشه. چون تا جایی که من میدونم مشکلی نداشت داخل پخش ویدیو ها فقط مشکلش فول اسکرین نشدنش بود که اونم حل شده... 

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

علیرضا من از صبح 20تا لینک بهش دادم بعد دانلود پخش نکرد پیام میده can not باور کنید من بلای 300مگ خرج این فسقلی سورس کردم . مشکل فول اسکرین هم بگو دادش :'(

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

علیرضا من از صبح 20تا لینک بهش دادم بعد دانلود پخش نکرد پیام میده can not باور کنید من بلای 300مگ خرج این فسقلی سورس کردم . مشکل فول اسکرین هم بگو دادش :'(


لینکات از کجاس ناصر جان ؟

فرمت ویدیو چیه ؟

حجمش چقده ؟


بده ببینیم یکی از این لینکارو ک ی هفتس درگیرشی :oops:

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

لینک ارسال
به اشتراک گذاری در سایت های دیگر

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